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A2M Power Technologies supplies an extensive range of electrical cables for application in power transmission, power distribution, mining, submarine, control and communication.

We offer a complete range of quality cables for HV, MV, and LV power lines. Our cables are designed based on industry best practices and international norms combining quality, competitiveness and quick deliveries.

Bare Conductors

Used as Overhead lines for HV and MV power networks. Our cables meet or exceeds the requirements of IEC 60826 and SANS 182 2 & 3.


ACSR Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced

AAC All Aluminium Conductor

AAAC All Aluminium Alloy Conductor

Copper conductors and copper coated earth rods

Aerial Bundle Conductors

Made to meet or exceed the requirements of IEC 60502, SANS 1418 and others national and international standards.


  • Relative immunity to short circuits caused by external forces (wind, fallen branches), unless they abrade the insulation.

  • Can stand in close proximity to trees/buildings and will not generate sparks if touched.

  • Simpler installation, as crossbars and insulators are not required.

  • Ease of erection and stringing, less labor intensive, less construction resources needed.

  • Can be installed in a narrower right-of-way.

  • Significantly improved safety for lines-persons, particularly when working on live conductors.

  • Electricity theft is made harder, and more obvious to detect.

  • Less required maintenance and necessary inspections of lines.

  • Improved reliability in comparison with both bare conductor overhead systems and underground systems. Insulated conductors prevent accidental contact and supply can be maintained temporarily in the event of a suspension system collapse.

XLPE Insulated Cables

Made to meet or exceed the requirements of IEC 60228, SANS 1339 and others nationals and internationals standards. Ideal for low, medium and high voltage.


Three Core XLPE cable

Single Core Medium Voltage XLPE cable

Low Voltage XLPE cable

Mining Cables

Made to meet or exceed the requirements of IEC 60502, SANS 1418 and others national and international standards.


  • Copper Screen cable

  • Rubber Sheathed Flexible Mine Cables

  • Special construction for mining cables

  • Durable jackets, to prevent physical damage from heavy use.

  • Enhanced flex life and increased resistance to wire breakage during repeated movement

  • Additional corrosion resistance adds to service life

Marine Cables

High performance specialty wire and cables for Onshore & Offshore power Projects. Standard compliances:  IEC 60092, IEC 60228, IEC 60331, IEC 60332, IEC 60754, IEC 60811, IEC 61034, SANS 10142 and other national standards.


Robust cables for marine and offshores


Submarine optical cable


Control & Instrumentation Cables

Electronics cables

Flexible control cable


Submarine Cables Accessories

Submarine cables joint box

(please contact us for more information).

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